Digital Leaders Summer Update

Over the past few months the Digital Leader team have been really busy helping developing the school website, considering Gooseberry Planet as a PSHEE Learning tool for E-Safety, and electing new leaders.

Development for the new school website is nearing completion. So far, we have:

  • Re-written many school webpages, to make them more navigable and informative.
  • Established the new GCSE format for each subject, and how the marks are distributed
  • We are considering working on a new FAQ for the new website, with updates including Epraise and Google Classroom.

Congratulations to Alfie Payne (8Y) for being elected head of Digital Leaders! Harry Wall (8U) has been selected as deputy.

In early October we will be opening applications to all years via a Google form (watch your emails!) as we would welcome new members.  Criteria for the new applicants shall be done in a separate news post above this one.

-The Digital Leaders.