Digital Leaders – Autumn 2017 update

Since starting back in September, the Digital Leader team are pleased to be able to report on their progress.

We are pleased to report that our team is full at the moment, and so we will not be recruiting for the time being. If we do decide to recruit, then we will follow our usual procedure, and send a Google Form out to all students.

After the success of Cyber Day in July last year, we have had permission to run another day for Year 7 students on Thursday 8th February 2018, to mark World Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 6th February. Working on the various feedback that was gained by students and staff, we hope that this year is more successful than ever! If you are interested in reading further information regarding to the day last year, then you can do so here.

We are also going to start to explore useful web apps which you can use to enhance your daily work flow. More information on this project is to follow after Cyber Day, so make sure to check back here after the February half term!

As ever, we continue to run our teacher training sessions, where staff can come and request help from our team, covering a range of support requirements, including the VLE, ClickView, Google Drive & Docs, as well as general IT help.

We have also been helping Ms Myers year 8 students over the past few weeks, to create campaign PowerPoint’s and videos. These all looked great, and we hope that the students enjoyed their English projects.

Mr Mason has recently presented an assembly to you outlining how useful GCSEPod can be. If you require any assistance with using GCSEPod, then please feel free to email us at